TV This Week: Glue| Great British Bake Off

Sacred Rivers with Simon Reeve Pic: BBCSacred Rivers with Simon Reeve Pic: BBC
Sacred Rivers with Simon Reeve Pic: BBC
Your pick of this week’s programmes.


Glue (E4, 10pm)

WE reach the halfway point tonight, and we’re no closer to guessing who killed poor, unfortunate Cal. The police’s investigation into the tragedy continues, causing their relationship with the local traveller community to reach an all-time low. Ruth is caught in the crossfire, and her uneasy relationship with Dominic reaches crisis point.


The Pride Of Britain Awards 2014 (STV, 8pm)

IT’S that time of year again when royalty, politicians, and celebrities from TV, film and the sports field get together for one very special event. They’ll be leaving their egos at the door of Grosvenor House in London’s Park Lane to honour everyday folk who have achieved remarkable things.


The Great British Bake Off (BBC One, 8pm)

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IT’S been difficult to predict who will lift the coveted trophy. Heading into the semi-finals, builder Richard, normally seen with a pencil tucked behind one ear, had seemed like the one to beat after being named Star Baker four times. However, even he hasn’t been immune to disasters, and there really is still everything bake for.


Who Do You Think You Are? (BBC One, 9pm)

LESLEY Hornby was the world’s first supermodel, propelled into the limelight because of her angelic looks and an image that would epitomise an era.

Twiggy has recently celebrated her 65th birthday, so in a landmark year, it almost seems fitting that she’d appear on Who Do You Think You Are? Look out for a hint of crime in Twiggy’s family history.

She also discovers plenty of strong women going back through the years.


Lewis (STV, 9pm)

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DESPITE rumours that the show was being laid to rest at the end of the last series, Kevin Whately is back as Lewis, with Laurence Fox as DI Hathaway. But the tables have been turned for this run. Lewis is now retired, but is tempted into a return to work to help the newly promoted Hathaway settle into his role - particularly as he’s finding it difficult to get on with the sergeants assigned to him.


Doctor Who: Mummy On The Orient Express (BBC One, 8.30pm)

THE Doctor and Clara are on the most beautiful train in history, speeding among the stars of the future - but they are unaware that a deadly creature is stalking the passengers. Once you see the horrifying Mummy you only have 66 seconds to live. No exceptions, no reprieve. As the Doctor races against the clock Clara sees him at his deadliest and most ruthless.


Sacred Rivers with Simon Reeve (BBC Two, 9pm)

TRAVELLING along the Ganges, Simon explores how India’s booming economy has affected its religious culture. Starting in the foothills of the Himalayas he follows the sacred waters from source to sea. Along the way he meets westerners in Rishikesh seeking spiritual enlightenment.

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