Increase in business executives seeking dependency treatment

More business executives are seeking dependency treatmentMore business executives are seeking dependency treatment
More business executives are seeking dependency treatment
Substance abuse disorder sufferers are often depicted as illiterate, unemployed, and underprivileged.

But addiction sufferers in the corporate world are vastly different from the stereotype.

Managers and business executives have the third highest rate of illicit drug use and heavy alcohol abuse among all occupational groups, according to recent studies.

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Here bosses at White River Manor Luxury Rehab Centre explain the issues and help they provide to many including business leaders.

Executive facilities at White River Manor Luxury Rehab CentreExecutive facilities at White River Manor Luxury Rehab Centre
Executive facilities at White River Manor Luxury Rehab Centre

Treating executive-level dependency

Executives struggling with substance abuse may use the excuse that they haven't hit rock bottom yet to avoid treatment. Admitting you need help can be difficult, but the best way to get well is to get help as soon as possible.

Receiving the help you need doesn't have to wait until you've lost everything. Success is more likely if you take a proactive stance.

To this end, addiction to drugs or alcohol is considered a medical condition. In other words, you have the right to take a medical leave of absence from work in order to seek treatment for your drug or alcohol use disorder.

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Luxury executive rehab facilities, such as White River Manor Luxury Rehab Centre, ensure business executives from the UK receive tailored support that takes a holistic approach to the recovery process.

Increased dependency on prescription drugs

Heroin or cocaine may be the first thing that comes to mind when the public thinks of drug abusers but prescription drug abuse is on the rise and should be taken just as seriously.

According to studies, white-collar workers between the ages of 25 and 45 are particularly susceptible to the abuse of prescription drugs such as Concerta, Adderall, and Vyvanse.

The majority of people who abuse prescription drugs do so for legitimate medical reasons, such as treating a back injury. As they grow accustomed to the drug's effects, they begin to increase their dosage, eventually reaching a point of dependence.

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It's easy to spiral out of control from there. Many times, affected individuals ultimately resort to fabricating their symptoms, visiting numerous physicians for prescriptions.

The use of prescription drugs can be problematic for baby boomers who may have experimented with illicit drugs in their younger years. They may not regard it as having the negative connotations associated with more traditional forms of drug abuse.

But prescription drug abusers are just as much in need of treatment as those who abuse illicit substances.

The role of stress in addiction

At any age, a person can develop a substance abuse problem, but the way it manifests in different demographic groups varies. Young people are more likely to experiment with drugs and alcohol out of curiosity or peer pressure.

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On the other hand, stress from the workplace is a common trigger for many business executives to begin abusing drugs.

Even the most committed executive can feel the strain of negotiating major contracts, making difficult decisions to secure a company's financial future, and sacrificing family time to meet corporate goals.

As if that weren't bad enough, coping with stress by exercising regularly and getting enough sleep can be nearly impossible when you're already overworked.

Executives often report that economic anxiety, in addition to general workplace stress, can trigger the desire to abuse drugs and alcohol.

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It's a difficult time to be a leader in an industry where consumer confidence is low and regular downsizing is still commonplace. It's true that even the most accomplished CEO can't control the entire economy alone.

It's also possible that the corporate culture itself contributes to drug and alcohol abuse. Talented employees in the tech industry, to name but one example, often turn to stimulants to keep up with the demand for 12-hour days with little or no down time.

White River Manor Luxury Rehab Centre is able to assist executives with recovery

Executives can choose from a variety of luxurious private rooms at White River Manor Luxury Rehab Centre. During rehabilitation, the main goal is to make sure you are comfortable and healthy.

Each patient receives individualised care. In order to learn more, visit their website. All questions are overseen with the greatest discretion.