Covidiot thug brothers refused to wear face masks in East Lothian pub and shouted abuse at police officers

Police were called to the Eagle Inn in DunbarPolice were called to the Eagle Inn in Dunbar
Police were called to the Eagle Inn in Dunbar
Covidiot thug brothers who refused to wear face masks in a pub and shouted homophobic abuse at police officers have escaped a jail sentence.

Barry and Lee Rutherford threatened bar staff at two pubs in East Lothian after they had been asked to cover up.

The pair were told they were not being served at the Eagle Inn in Dunbar due to their behaviour and after being asked to leave Barry Rutherford, 30, told one worker “F** off, I’ll remember your face”.

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The brothers then headed to the Golf Tavern in Haddington looking for a room for the night but after being refused Lee Rutherford, 28, told an employee “I’ll be waiting for you after work”.

Rutherford brothers appeared at Edinburgh Sheriff CourtRutherford brothers appeared at Edinburgh Sheriff Court
Rutherford brothers appeared at Edinburgh Sheriff Court

Police were called and after being arrested the older brother racially abused Pc Mohammed Iqbal.

He also aimed a homophobic slur at Pc Iqbal and Pc Dermott Maughan while his brother hurled a racist insult during the incidents on September 17.

Barry was then taken to Edinburgh Royal Infirmary and attempted to bite PC Iqbal.

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Both brothers then appeared from custody at Edinburgh Sheriff Court the following day under heavy guard with around a dozen police officers and security staff in attendance.

They eventually pleaded guilty to offences at the capital court on October 12 and had their sentences deferred for reports.

Lee Rutherford, from Prestonpans, East Lothian, was placed on an 18-month supervision order and told to carry out 150 hours of unpaid work when he was sentenced on November 10.

Brother Barry, currently living in Edinburgh appeared before Sheriff Kenneth McGowan who told him he was “very close to a custodial sentence”.

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The sheriff also placed the older brother on a supervision order for 18 months and told him he must complete 225 hours of unpaid work.

Lee Rutherford had previously admitted to behaving in a threatening and abusive manner at the Golf Tavern, and at the Waterside Bistro, both in Haddington.

Barry Rutherford pleaded guilty to behaving in a threatening and abusive manner at the Eagle Inn, Dunbar.

He also pleaded guilty to uttering offensive and homophobic remarks to a constable while on route to the ERI.

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The older brother also admitted to a third charge of assault by attempting to bite an officer at the hospital, all on September 17 this year.

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