18-year-old '˜required surgery' after Penicuik assault

Police are appealing for informationPolice are appealing for information
Police are appealing for information
Police in Midlothian are investigating following the serious assault of an 18-year-old man in Eastfield Farm Road, Penicuik.

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The incident happened around 12.30am on Sunday, December 3, near to the Subaru garage.

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An 18-year-old was assaulted following a verbal altercation with two men, which resulted in one of the men seriously assaulting him.

The 18-year-old sustained a serious facial injury requiring corrective surgery.

Police were later contacted and officers are now investigating.

The first suspect, who assaulted the 18-year-old, is described as a white man in his early 30’s. He is around 5ft 10” in height, with a large build and brown hair and facial hair.

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The second suspect is also described as a white man in his early to mid 30’s. He is also around 5ft 10” in height with a slim build and greasy mid length brown hair. He was also clean shaven.

Detective Constable Kenny McKenzie of Dalkeith’s Criminal Investigation Department said: “This was a vicious attack on a young man, which has left him with injuries which will take a long time to heal.

“We are eager to trace the two men who were within that area at that time as soon as possible. I would ask anyone who was in the Eastfield Farm Road area, and saw anything suspicious, to get in touch with police immediately.”

Those with information can contact officers at Dalkeith CID on 101, quoting incident number 2233 of December 6, or anonymously through Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.