Armed police swoop on house in Restalrig during overnight raid

the scene on Lochend Drive. PIC: Kayleigh Grahamthe scene on Lochend Drive. PIC: Kayleigh Graham
the scene on Lochend Drive. PIC: Kayleigh Graham
Armed police swooped on a house in Restalrig in an overnight raid as part of an ongoing investigation.

The Edinburgh Evening News was sent pictures from the late night raid on Lochend Drive, with one eyewitness saying that around six police vehicles were in attendance late on Wednesday (July 31) evening.

Police Scotland confirmed that the activity was part of an ongoing investigation into a robbery in Edinburgh.

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A Police Scotland spokesperson said: "Three people were arrested at an address in Lochend Drive during the evening of Wednesday 31st July as part of an ongoing investigation into a robbery in the city."Specialist resources assisted local officers and inquiries are continuing."