Barack Obama put Donald Trump to shame after George Floyd’s death – Hayley Matthews

Barack Obama offered words of support, unlike current President Donald Trump (Picture: The Obama Foundation/AFP via Getty Images)Barack Obama offered words of support, unlike current President Donald Trump (Picture: The Obama Foundation/AFP via Getty Images)
Barack Obama offered words of support, unlike current President Donald Trump (Picture: The Obama Foundation/AFP via Getty Images)
Following George Floyd’s killing, Donald Trump and Barack Obama responded in very different ways, writes Hayley Matthews.

America looks in a very sorry state at the moment and I’m not surprised.

Yes we’ve seen riots and protests before but it feels different now. For me it seems like people aren’t putting up with it any more – we’ve all had enough, and about time. Enough of racism, sexism, ageism, homophobia, we’ve had enough of it all.

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For me the racism and brutality is unacceptable – just evil! I don’t know how this ends, or if it will ever end but I hope it does because I can’t bear to read about another innocent person losing their life because of the colour of their skin.

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When Barack Obama reached out to young people of colour earlier in the week telling them how their lives matter, it seemed a welcome support.

That’s what I believe America and the world need right now, to be heard and told their lives matter and that racism and police brutality will not be tolerated in this day and age.

With the former President offering words of support whilst the current one hides in a bunker after tweeting “when the looting starts – the shooting starts!” it’s clear to see that this situation will not be helped with more violence.

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When will people realise that only when there is less hate, violence and ego around then we’ll be able to increase the peace! Trump should be ashamed of himself.

I’m not black but I hear you and I will fight with you to end racism. Peace and love.

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