Emotion in court as former Blue Peter presenter John Leslie is cleared of sexual assault

John Leslie arriving at court this morningJohn Leslie arriving at court this morning
John Leslie arriving at court this morning
Ex-Blue Peter presenter John Leslie wept today after he was cleared of groping a woman at a party in 2008.

The former TV star was accused of grabbing a woman's breasts at a celebrity Christmas party but said the incident never happened.

The 55-year-old walked free from Southwark Crown Court today after a jury of nine men and three women found him not guilty of sexual assault following just 25 minutes deliberation.

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An emotional Leslie, from Edinburgh, banged his forehead on the glass of the dock before putting his hand over his face and weeping.

His father, Les Stott, sat in the public gallery and burst into tears at the verdict before the pair shared a glance and then hugged as he left the dock.

The court had previously heard a woman claimed, out of nowhere, the "over-excited" presenter who "didn't get out much" grabbed her breasts and gave a "hearty laugh" when she introduced himself to him.

Witnesses in the West End bar testified they were told about the alleged incident 12 years ago, but did not see it.

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Leslie, however, said he was "paranoid" after being previously falsely named by Matthew Wright as Ulrika Jonsson's TV presenter rapist that she discussed in her autobiography and "it was not in his nature" to touch a woman inappropriately.

Famous faces Fern Britton, Anthea Turner, Yvette Fielding and Diane-Louise Jordan, from his time presenting This Morning and Blue Peter, all gave character statements to support their friend, calling him a "gentleman".

Gudrun Young, defending, today told the court that Leslie had been the victim of "trial by media" and that the alleged victim's account was riddled with inconsistencies.

Addressing the jury, she said: "If you knew anything about him I would suggest the two things you would have talked about are Blue Peter and sexual impropriety of some sort since 2002.

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"Yet he is, and remains, a man of good character. No convictions, no cautions. It has never been established that he has done anything wrong to anybody.

She branded his treatment a "media witch hunt."

She added: "His career ruined, his life blighted by completely unfounded allegations. He has been made to look, in the tabloid press, like some sort of monster. All without a single shred of evidence.

"This time at least its being tried in a court of law. Rather than just a lot of people opening the front of the Mirror or the Sun or Daily Mail."

Turning to the alleged victim's evidence, she said: "There were some very odd thing in the account that she gave some bits that didn't really make sense end some bits that didn't match up to other evidence in the case.

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"She was changing, adapting, massaging her evidence to account for the bizarre fact that she says that this man went up in full view of others to commit this brazen sexual assault but no-one seems to have seen it."

She pleaded with the jury to return a not guilty verdict and added: ""Its just not credible."

"It just didn't happen. He knows he's done nothing and he has nothing to hide.

"There are two John Leslies. The John Leslie that's been portrayed as a sex pest in the press.

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"There is the John Leslie, and the real John Leslie, who is known to his friends and his colleagues."

Speaking about the night in December 2008 at an earlier hearing, Leslie said: "I don't recall that particular party but I do remember talking to Jade Goody at length.

"She was very ill. I know she was rather upset about how the tabloids had been treating her.

"I think it was that year because I know she died not long after that."

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He added: "I have no idea who [the alleged victim] is. There was no reason to speak to her or meet her.

"The idea I would do that is just crazy, especially the way I was and everything that had been going on.

"I was paranoid [after previous allegations]. I was aware, conscious. To go up to a total stranger and just do that would be ludicrous and never would have happened. I can't imagine why she thought it would've happened.

"I would've said hello, but not touched her and walked off. It's not me. It never would have happened."

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He also said: "It's not a backward industry. We treat women fairly. People don't go around assaulting women. It's just not done.

"You wouldn't let it happen. It's not allowed. It's not something people would condone or allow.

"People wouldn't watch it and let it happen. If I had seen it I wouldn't have let it happen.

"I would never do such a thing."

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