Man hunt after girl left '˜terrified' by sex assault threat

Police are appealing for information after the incident in OxgangsPolice are appealing for information after the incident in Oxgangs
Police are appealing for information after the incident in Oxgangs
A SEVEN-year-old girl was left 'terrified and beyond consolable' after a man made alleged sexual advances towards her while she stood at a bus stop with her parents.

The shocking incident has sparked a man hunt in the Oxgangs area of the city after the man, thought to be in his early 50s, threatened to sexually assault the girl in front of her father while they waited to board a bus heading towards Hunter’s Tryst.

In a post on social media, the girl’s mother, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, claimed the suspect then “put on black leather gloves” and “prepared to assault” her husband. She alleged the suspect had then escaped on the number five bus service on Oxgangs Avenue.

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She later thanked a passing member of the public, who stopped to assist the family before they reported the incident to police on Tuesday afternoon.

Writing on Facebook, the girl’s mother said: “On Oxgangs Avenue at the Hunter’s Tryst bus stop heading west, my husband and seven-year-old daughter were confronted by a male who threatened to sexually assault my daughter.

“My husband obviously confronted the comments, which were then repeated, but he then commenced to put black leather gloves on to assault my husband.”

She added: “Our daughter was terrified and beyond consolable, but then the number five bus arrived and he jumped on, continuing the tirade of threats.”

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One local resident admitted the incident was “worrying for the area”.

He added: “It is obviously really concerning, especially with the amount of young kids who live around Oxgangs.

“I haven’t really heard of anything like that happening in the time that I have lived here and for it to happen somewhere so public too, it is worrying for the area.”

He added: “Hopefully the police can catch up with him sooner rather than later and put people’s mind at ease.”

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Police Scotland appealed for anyone with information about the man and his whereabouts to come forward. A spokesman said: “Police in Edinburgh are investigating after inappropriate comments were made to a seven-year-old girl in the Oxgangs area of the city.

“The incident happened around 3.35pm on Tuesday, 6 February on Oxgangs Avenue.

“The victim was standing at a bus stop when a man made the remarks before boarding a number five Lothian Bus.

“Inquiries are ongoing to trace the suspect who is described as white and in his 50s, with short, receding grey hair and wearing a black body warmer, grey sweatshirt and blue jeans.”

The spokesman added: “Officers are currently following a positive line of inquiry. However, anyone with information is asked to come forward.”