Midlothian Crimebeat March 14-20

Stock photo by Lisa Ferguson.Stock photo by Lisa Ferguson.
Stock photo by Lisa Ferguson.
Here is your weekly round-up of crime in Midlothian, for March 14-20, as reported by Police Scotland.


At around 5pm on Wednesday, March 16, officers carrying out patrols observed a youth riding an e-scooter at speed, causing moving vehicles to stop and change direction in the Hardengreen area. The youth who was also abusive to officers was subsequently traced and charged in connection with various road traffic offences and Section 38 (1) threatening or abusive behaviour.

A 19 year old man was issued with a Recorded Police Warning after urinating in the street in Woodburn Road in the early hours of the morning on Sunday, March 20.


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At around 7pm on Monday, March 14, whilst driving along Newbattle Road, at Newbattle Roundabout, an LRT bus had a window smashed. No one was injured during the incident. Police are following a positive line of enquiry.

Sometime between Tuesday and Friday, March 15 and 18, a window at a church hall in Stone Place was smashed. Enquiries are ongoing.

At 5.20pm on Sunday, March 20, a window at a property in Stone Place, Mayfield was smashed. Enquiries are ongoing.


At around 7pm on Saturday, March 19, a bus driving along Greenhall Road had a window smashed after a stone was thrown at it. Enquiries are ongoing.

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At 7.30pm on Saturday, March 19, police attended Roseberry Crescent in response to a report of a man under the influence. A 26 year old man was traced and subsequently arrested in connection with threatening or abusive behaviour after shouting and swearing at officers.