Midlothian police seize alcohol from youths and arrest shopkeeper

Police seized alcohol from a number of youths.Police seized alcohol from a number of youths.
Police seized alcohol from a number of youths.
Police in the Lothians have seized a quantity of alcohol from youths and charged a man in connection with with selling alcohol to persons under the age of 18.

It comes after recent reports of antisocial behaviour in Midlothian, prompting a weekend of action by police in the area.

Community and council-funded officers seized a quantity of alcohol from a number of youths in various locations across Midlothian.Police also said that a 22-year-old man was charged with selling alcohol to persons under the age of 18 from a licensed premises.

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Officers confirmed that inquiries into any further potential offences in the area is ongoing.

Enquiries are still on-going to identify additional licensing offences at the premises in Midlothian.

Sergeant Waugh from the Midlothian Community Action Team said: “This is a substantial seizure from local youths.

"These proactive early interventions resulted in a reduction of youth related incidents over the weekend.”