Two teens charged over Wester Hailes school inferno

The Bridge 8 Hub was gutted in the fireThe Bridge 8 Hub was gutted in the fire
The Bridge 8 Hub was gutted in the fire
Two 16-year-olds to appear in court

TWO youths have been charged over suspected fire-raising at a Wester Hailes school.

About 30 Firefighters spent four hours battling the blaze at Wester Hailes Education Centre on Friday night.

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A report will be submitted to Procurator Fiscal and the pair of 16-year-olds will appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court tomorrow (Monday).

Inquiries are ongoing into another fire on Calder Crescent and officers are following positive lines of enquiry over reported assaults.

Anyone who was in the area at the time of the incidents and who may have any information should contact police on 101, quoting incident number 3544 of 13 March.