Edinburgh mum with MS hopes to raise £50,000 for Mexico treatment to ‘get life back’

Sarah Carruthers is hoping to raise £50,000 so she can slow down the symptoms of her MS and 'get her life back'.Sarah Carruthers is hoping to raise £50,000 so she can slow down the symptoms of her MS and 'get her life back'.
Sarah Carruthers is hoping to raise £50,000 so she can slow down the symptoms of her MS and 'get her life back'.
A Longstone mum with MS is hoping to raise £50,000 to go to Mexico for treatment so she can ‘get her life back’.

Sarah Carruthers’ life was turned upside down when she was diagnosed with relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) in July 2017.

People with this type of MS have distinct attacks of symptoms which then fade away either partially or completely.

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The condition has taken its toll on the former lifeguard, who now suffers from brain fog, pain, numbness and pins and needles in her legs as well as consistent fatigue.

Sarah Carruthers with her husband PaulSarah Carruthers with her husband Paul
Sarah Carruthers with her husband Paul

It means she cannot do simple tasks such as going for a walk with husband Scott, 54, and sons Scott, 23 and Tony, 18, or going upstairs on a bus - a real frustration for an active 49-year-old who has completed the Race for Life.

She told the Evening News: “When I was diagnosed I knew it was coming. But it was still a shock and took a lot of time to get my head round it.

“It’s almost like you’re grieving because you’re grieving the life you no longer have. You can’t do things you used to be able to do. I used to like power walking and do three or four miles every time and I really miss it. I can’t sit down with my legs down for very long. It sounds silly but these are the things people take for granted.

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“All my family are really worried about me all the time. I always have someone with me because they’re scared in case something happens to me when I’m out.”

Sarah with her son Scott after finishing the Race for LifeSarah with her son Scott after finishing the Race for Life
Sarah with her son Scott after finishing the Race for Life

In a bid to improve her wellbeing, Sarah has launched a gofundme page to raise £50,000 to enable her to travel to Mexico for hematopoietic stem cell treatment (HSCT) to halt her MS and improve her symptoms.

The intense chemotherapy is not available on the NHS in Scotland and doctors have told Sarah they are unable to pay for her to undergo the treatment south of the border, where it is accessible.

She added: “It costs upwards of £100,000 to consult with a private HSCT practice in England. In Mexico, it is $54,500.

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“The past two years have been a bit of a rollercoaster, not knowing what the future holds for me. It’s been quite scary. When I was initially diagnosed it took a long time to get my head around it. There were a lot of tears. Telling my family was really hard. They are worried about me getting the treatment because nothing is risk free. I hate not being able to work so I cannot contribute to my family financially.”

The fundraising page has already attracted £380 with the mum of two determined to get the treatment to get her life back on track.

“The sooner you get it done the better,” she said. “They say time is brain because with MS.

“I am a proud person so asking friends, family, and strangers for money is not easy but having my life back is more important to me and my family than my pride. I’m so grateful to the people who have already donated. It would just mean everything to be able to get the treatment. I cannot put it into words. I’m hoping that I can have my life back. I will be able to work hopefully and do what I want to do.”

To donate, click here.

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