Letters: Rangers decision to cut tickets for Celtic game screams hypocrisy

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One reader has had his say following the decision from Rangers to cut tickets for Celtic. The reader points out the decision from Rangers mirrors the decision that led to them releasing a statement. Do you agree?

Due to unprecedented demand for tickets from their own fans, Hibs ­decided to cut Rangers’ usual allocation in half for their last game of the season at Easter Road. This was met by fury from the Ibrox club. They issued another of their now famous “statements’’ claiming the Hibs’ move “beggared belief’’ and threatened retribution.

Now Rangers have decided to ­decimate the number of Celtic fans able to attend Old Firm games at Ibrox. The reason given was, er, “demand from our own fans”.

The hypocrisy is quite breathtaking. One Rangers songs runs “. . . no one likes us, we don’t care”. I am afraid it is only too easy to see why.

Alexander McKay, Edinburgh.