Angus Robertson: Why I hope to become SNP MSP for Edinburgh Central

Angus Robertson is seeking the SNP nomination for Edinburgh Central (Picture: Lisa Ferguson)Angus Robertson is seeking the SNP nomination for Edinburgh Central (Picture: Lisa Ferguson)
Angus Robertson is seeking the SNP nomination for Edinburgh Central (Picture: Lisa Ferguson)
Edinburgh is a world-class city that should be the capital of an independent country, writes Angus Robertson as he announces his bid to become the SNP candidate for Edinburgh Central in the 2021 Holyrood election.

Edinburgh faces huge challenges and ­opportunities with ­population growth twice the national average – the need for more affordable housing, delivering more first-class public transport, schools and healthcare.

In addition, a new balance needs to be found for residents at a time of over-tourism and climate crisis. All of these issues are dealt with directly or indirectly by decisions made in the Scottish Parliament. These issues demand positive leadership and proactive representation.

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Next year there will be elections to the Scottish Parliament and people in Edinburgh Central will have the choice between re-electing a pro-Brexit Tory candidate or an SNP MSP who will put the interests of the public and the country first. Only 610 votes separate the Tories and the SNP in second place.

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Every resident who normally supports the Labour Party, Liberal Democrats and the Greens will have the chance to use their vote to get rid of the Tories and elect a progressive pro-European candidate from the SNP who will prioritise public services over Tory austerity.

Months of kind encouragement

They will have a straight choice between an SNP candidate who supports the right of people in Scotland to choose our own democratic future or a Tory candidate that opposes this.

After months of kind encouragement from Edinburgh Central SNP members, I have decided that I will seek the SNP nomination for the constituency. If SNP selection rules allow me to stand, I will ask local members to vote for me in the internal selection which takes place in the next months.

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I grew up in Edinburgh Central, went to Broughton High School and first became active in the SNP in the constituency. It was an honour to work in the Scottish Parliament for the first two years of devolution as a policy adviser, before going on to be an MP for 17 years, serve as the Westminster SNP leader and as depute leader of the party.

I have a national profile, public and private sector experience, as well as the understanding of the city, its communities, opportunities and challenges to be a strong voice at Holyrood.

Edinburgh Central deserves a full-time MSP who will put the interests of their constituents first.

A full-time commitment

At present the heart of Scotland’s capital city is represented by somebody who would prefer to be in the House of Lords and pursuing a career in public relations.

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Ruth Davidson, who admirably announced her decision to stand down as Scottish Tory leader to spend more time with her family, has since put other career interests in London ahead of the people she still represents at Holyrood. They deserve better. No one can be in two places at the same time.

Edinburgh Central needs an MSP that has a full-time commitment to their constituents and constituency, and the SNP needs a full-time candidate to win this important seat. I believe I am best placed to be that candidate. I will not pretend to ­constituents that I can be in two places at the same time.

Edinburgh is a world-class city and should be represented with the ambition to be the capital of a successful sovereign country.

To secure independence the SNP must win the next Scottish ­Parliament election, and to do that, victory in Edinburgh Central is key.

I hope to play my part in making that happen.