Fiona Duff: Recovery mode in front of the telly

Keeley Hawes and Richard Madden star in BodyguardKeeley Hawes and Richard Madden star in Bodyguard
Keeley Hawes and Richard Madden star in Bodyguard
So a month of going out virtually every night is over. My liver is probably the size of a walnut and my veins have alcohol-infused blood pumping through them. But I reckon I shall survive '“ I always do.

But the onset of autumn means that some great TV lies ahead for nights in sitting on the sofa. Regular readers, if indeed there are such things, will know that I am a big fan of Strictly so that’s Saturday nights taken care of for quite a few weeks.

And isn’t Bodyguard (pictured) rather fabulous? Keeley Hawes is a bit of a girl crush for me. This dame can do no wrong and I especially love her in the Durrells, but she’s on cracking form in this new series.

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When I visited a friend earlier this week who was back in Edinburgh for a few days, her mother rather excitedly told me that she had read about another new series.

Apparently it will be the most sexually explicit ever to be seen on BBC. She seemed more than a tad impatient for it to start. I must find out when that is and indeed what it is actually called.

Of course, those are the programmes we talk about over a cup of coffee.

However, how many of us watch I’m A Celebrity, but fail to mention that to our friends (especially those who we feel lead slightly more highbrow lives)?

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This year Holly Willoughby, the daytime queen of giggles and double entendres, is joining whichever of Ant and Dec hasn’t been in rehab. That should shake it all up a bit I imagine.

When I run out of decent things on terrestrial television there are all those other channels and streaming services to which I subscribe, such as Netflix and Now.

I certainly want to get my monthly fee’s worth of watching from them. In fact it’s rather surprising that I went out at all when I think about how much money I would have saved.