Readers letters: So who would get to vote in indyref2?

Borderers Stuart Hogg and Rory Sutherland celebrating after helping Scotland win rugby's Calcutta Cup in February (Photo by David Rogers/Getty Images)Borderers Stuart Hogg and Rory Sutherland celebrating after helping Scotland win rugby's Calcutta Cup in February (Photo by David Rogers/Getty Images)
Borderers Stuart Hogg and Rory Sutherland celebrating after helping Scotland win rugby's Calcutta Cup in February (Photo by David Rogers/Getty Images)
"Many Scots who have had to leave to find work should have a say in the future of their homeland”

So who would get to vote in indyref2?

In almost all EU countries those entitled to vote in national elections must be citizens over the age of 18, with many making provision for expats or those with dual nationality to register as voters.

It is reasonable that residents who are not citizens are permitted to vote only in local or regional elections or devolved parliament elections. It would be preposterous if the future of Scotland was influenced by votes cast by citizens of other countries.

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The First Minister frequently says that the future of Scotland should be decided by Scottish people, but she would be quite happy to give voting rights to half the Rangers squad, foreign citizens on short term contracts, but deny the vote to Stuart Hogg, the Scottish rugby captain now playing for Exeter, or even Andy Murray who may now not be Scottish enough for her liking.

Many Scots who have had to leave to find work or who have been transferred within a UK company will have the intention of returning home or at least maintaining strong family ties should have the right to have a say in the future of their homeland.

We should hope that if there are any negotiations with Westminster on a future indy referendum the incumbent Prime Minister is not so naive as Cameron was in his dealings with Salmond.

WB Campbell, Cammo Grove, Edinburgh.

Why independence gets a bad press

'Nats' and its connotations to Nazism was a term used by project fear in the run-up to IndyRef1. I was saddened to read Gus Logan - who normally contributes to local debate in a more balanced way - trying to resurrect this discriminatory term (Letters, May 3).

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Apparently, those who use this type of language choose only to insult those they see as Scottish nationalists, whereas British, English or other nationalists pass muster. Let's hope we are not in for another five years of this divisive nastiness.

Mr Logan went on to rather disturbingly suggest that "the media gives the SNP far too easy a time".

Considering that there is no mainstream newspaper, local, regional, Scottish or national, that supports Scottish independence except the Sunday Herald - and mainstream television outlets are similar, - those who support Scottish independence have little representation in our media.

Yet, despite this media imbalance, support for independence hasn't gone away.

Jack Fraser, Clayknowes Drive, Musselburgh.

Heathrow runway not set for take-off

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The saga of London Heathrow and its third runway seems to have gone quiet. The lack of flights during lockdown, the increasing number of long-haul flightsand the increasing use of Zoom meetings seem to make the current provision at Heathrow more than adequate.

Most passengers seem to be recreational and the ability to fly non-stop reminds me of the demise of Prestwick and Shannon. Let’s hope that the Heathrow runway argument quietly disappears.

David Gerrard, Spylaw Park, Edinburgh.

Help out at BHF

Would you like to upskill, keep busy or meet new people? Volunteering with The British Heart Foundation (BHF) Scotland offers a range of opportunities and with our shops open once again, we need your help now more than ever. For more information visit

James Jopling, BHF Scotland.

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