Heartwarming photos of talented Edinburgh security guard knitting boots for premature children

Heartwarming photos of talented Edinburgh Royal Infirmary security guard KNITTING boots for sick children. PIC: Nicola MillarHeartwarming photos of talented Edinburgh Royal Infirmary security guard KNITTING boots for sick children. PIC: Nicola Millar
Heartwarming photos of talented Edinburgh Royal Infirmary security guard KNITTING boots for sick children. PIC: Nicola Millar
Pictures have emerged showing an Edinburgh security guard KNITTING baby boots for unwell children.

Posted on social media site Facebook on Tuesday by Nicola Millar, the photos show the security guard, named Bruce, sat at a desk with several knitted baby boots on the table in front of him.

Bruce is said to knit for hours at a time before posting all his items abroad for premature babies and offering them to the neonatal centre at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary.

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Nicola's post, which has since gone viral and been shared over 2,500 times, says: "Tonight at work I asked Bruce if he minded if I took a picture of him to send to Simpson’s special care unit for Prem babies & to post on social media

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"He’s very thoughtful & I think this post should be shared I’m sure all the babies families will be so grateful for what Bruce does!

"I’ve got another bag of knitted hats mits & booties to hand in."

Emm May, commenting on the post, said: "Thank you to Bruce & all who does this. God only knows where I would have been without these items when I had my 4lb low birth weight full term daughter 23yrs ago.

Evelyn Dewar wrote: "What a lovely thing to do bless him."

Susan Breckenridge added: "You should be very proud sir, a wonderful & thoughtful person."

Laura Swan said: "What a lovely thing to do."

The Evening News is attempting to get in touch with Bruce.

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