Mysterious New Town Flâneur account returns to Twitter with hilarious take on Edinburgh life

The account disappeared from Twitter last year.The account disappeared from Twitter last year.
The account disappeared from Twitter last year.
FOR YEARS, it was the mysterious hero Edinburgh deserves.

Now, with the festival season over, the New Town Flâneur sign has been shone into the Capital's night sky and the anonymous social media hero has returned to Twitter to clean up the streets of the city with witty musings on life in our more affluent areas.

The account reached its peak last year when it boasted nearly 20,000 followers, but quietly disappeared from the platform leaving nothing but the faint whiff of artisan cheese behind.

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However, armed with a slew of new material and an insatiable desire to witness the red trew-wearing residents of Edinburgh in their natural habitat, Flâneur is back with a vengeance.

AirBnB, Porsche owners and Flâneur's arch nemises - Fifers - have all been in the firing line since the account returned last week.

Have a look below for some of our favourites from the hilarious account.

For more, follow @NewTownFlaneur