Nicola Sturgeon blasts Theresa May: '˜Indyref2 is your fault'

Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon makes her way to the Scottish Parliament. Picture: Lisa Ferguson.Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon makes her way to the Scottish Parliament. Picture: Lisa Ferguson.
Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon makes her way to the Scottish Parliament. Picture: Lisa Ferguson.
Scotland's First Minister will today tell the Prime Minister that her 'sheer intransigence' over Brexit is the reason a second independence referendum could be called so soon.

Nicola Sturgeon will also tell Theresa May that she has a “cast-iron mandate” for Indyref2.

Writing in The Times newspaper, Sturgeon said her manifesto stated Holyrood should have the right to vote again on independence if Scotland backed staying in the EU but was taken out ‘against its will’.

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She also claims May has adopted a ‘my way or no way’ approach to Brexit talks.

Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon makes her way to the Scottish Parliament. Picture: Lisa Ferguson.Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon makes her way to the Scottish Parliament. Picture: Lisa Ferguson.
Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon makes her way to the Scottish Parliament. Picture: Lisa Ferguson.

She wrote: “Our manifesto said this: The Scottish parliament should have the right to hold another referendum.. if there is a significant and material change in the circumstances that prevailed in 2014 such as Scotland being taken out of the EU against our will.

“The SNP was re-elected to government with more votes and seats than Labour and Tories combined. So as well as justification for a referendum, there is also a cast iron mandate.”

Sturgeon said a lot of Scots backed a No vote to protect their place in Europe.

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She added: “If an independence referendum does arise, it will not be down to bad faith on the part of the Scottish Government - but sheer intransigence on the part of the UK government.

“It is not too late for the UK government to change course, but time is running out,” she added.