Sean Clerkin suspended from Scottish Resistance

The Scottish Resistance have confirmed Sean Clerkin has been suspended.The Scottish Resistance have confirmed Sean Clerkin has been suspended.
The Scottish Resistance have confirmed Sean Clerkin has been suspended.
Sean Clerkin has been suspended from the Scottish Resistance after he told the Scotsman he would not be campaigning for Scottish independence.

The 57-year-old, who made headlines in 2011 after forcing then Scottish Labour leader Iain Gray to seek refuge in a Glasgow sandwich shop while out canvassing, described the document as “the worst thing to ever happen to the independence movement”.

And his future in the group hangs in the balance with a meeting set to discuss his future in the Scottish Resistance.

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Sean Clerkin to stop campaigning for independence in Growth Commission protest

According to the founder of the movement, James Scott there will be a meeting on after The Robert The Bruce Rally to vote on whether he remains a member or not.

Mr Clerkin told The Scotsman: “I cannot campaign for Scottish independence at this time. The Growth Commission report is a right wing, neoliberal document. If its recommendations were followed we would not have real independence. We would not control monetary policy. “The whole report is about serving the needs of the London money markets. An independent Scotland would require its own currency from day one. Our central bank should have the ability to print money when required. “This report offers no incentive for working class voters to go out and campaign for Scottish independence.”

Mr Clerkin, from Barrhead in East Renfrewshire, stressed the comment he made were in a personal capacity and added he had not quit the Scottish Resistance, the group which has held several attention-grabbing protests in recent years.