Monty and Scottish referees haven’t always seen eye to eye ...Monty and Scottish referees haven’t always seen eye to eye ...
Monty and Scottish referees haven’t always seen eye to eye ...

Hibs VAR calls - including Celtic, Rangers and Hearts penalties - that caused uproar in brutal season

SFA admission of errors adds fuel to fans’ fury

Every manager thinks their team is the hardest done by when it comes to refereeing decisions, VAR non-interventions, bad bounces, unlucky breaks, injuries … the weather. But there’s no denying that Hibs boss Nick Montgomery has some grounds for feeling aggrieved over the decisions that have gone against his side this season.

The guy has only been in Scotland since September, yet already he’s been driven to the brink of bafflement, frustration and outright fury by the standard of officiating. Both on the pitch and at VAR HQ, with its banks of screens and endless replays.

The SFA’s own VAR Independent Review Panel highlighting two recent errors in Key Match Incidents involving Hibs, both penalty decisions that should have been reviewed and overturned, is unlikely to put Monty in a better humour. His only contribution to the debate will probably be a grimace and a muttered: “Only two decisions? Yeah, OK …”

Having received an apology from the SFA over a handball non-call earlier in the season, Montgomery isn’t much interested in retrospective admissions of error. Nothing said now will lift his team into the top six of the Scottish Premiership, a prize they missed out on by a single point.

The Yorkshireman previously answered a question about bad decisions evening themselves out over the course of a season by admitting: “I think that’s something you want to believe. Like a fairy tale …” Here we take a look at just some of the incidents that have caused most annoyance to the Hibs gaffer in less than eight months as an SPFL manager:

The SFA’s own VAR Independent Review Panel highlighting two recent errors in Key Match Incidents involving Hibs, both penalty decisions that should have been reviewed and overturned, is unlikely to put Monty in a better humour. His only contribution to the debate will probably be a grimace and a muttered: “Only two decisions? Yeah, OK …”