McGregor: Victory at Queens can boost Hibs for cup clashes

Darren McGregor admits that confidence has taken a knock following two league defeats and, with two big cup games coming up, Hibs need a boostDarren McGregor admits that confidence has taken a knock following two league defeats and, with two big cup games coming up, Hibs need a boost
Darren McGregor admits that confidence has taken a knock following two league defeats and, with two big cup games coming up, Hibs need a boost
Darren McGregor has admitted the upcoming cup matches may have been playing on the minds of the Hibs' players as they crashed to back-to-back defeats for the first time this season.

But he insisted he and his team-mates can shake off the disappointment of losing to Morton and Dumbarton – setbacks which have all but ended the club’s Championship title hopes – and return to winning ways against Queen of the South tonight.

The trip to Palmerston Park precedes this weekend’s Scottish Cup quarter-final against Inverness Caledonian Thistle with the League Cup final against Ross County to follow seven days later, two matches which have, to an extent, overshadowed everything.

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McGregor, though, was quick to dismiss the setbacks as nothing more than a bad week for Alan Stubbs’ side although, he conceded, shipping six goals in the course of those games was not exactly great for confidence.

“They were two games we wanted to win and we haven’t won but there’s no point in dwelling on it,” he said.

“There are massive games to come and still a big portion of the season to go as well.

“You put it to bed, you dust yourself down and then you go again, that’s what we’ve been told by the gaffer.” Prior to these recent disappointments, Hibs had only tasted defeat once in their previous 28 games, a record which has lost a bit its gloss while their once impressive defensive record has also taken something of a hit.

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Eyeing tonight’s match as an opportunity to right the recent wrongs, McGregor, a former Cowdenbeath, St Mirren and Rangers defender, said: “Two games, two defeats, that’s not really happened to us this season, so it’s about character building and I believe we’ve got the right characters in the dressing-room to go on another run.

“I think the confidence does naturally take a knock when you concede three goals for two games on the bounce.

“But the measure of a good team and good individual players is how quickly you regather yourself and get that confidence back.

“I’ve got the belief we can do that. It’s two games and we’ve put in numerous good performances.

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“Football’s like that. You always get a dip at whatever level you’re at, and you could argue this is maybe our dip.

“If you look at the goals we’ve lost its very uncharacteristic of us. Maybe there is an element of complacency going into games and maybe not doing things how we did them in the past and expecting to turn up to games and win.

“We all know in football if you turn up to a game expecting to win, with an element of complacency, then you can be hurt and I think that’s been proven in the last couple of games.

“It’s just about getting back to winning ways.

“We move on and with the games coming thick and fast, there’s no point in dwelling on a bad week. It’s about going forward and that starts tonight.”

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Head coach Stubbs admitted he had been disappointed with the errors which had resulted in his side being left 11 points adrift of league leaders Rangers and McGregor agreed his boss had a point.

He said: “A portion is to do with individual mistakes – probably not getting behind the ball quickly enough and not doing things well that we had done well previously.

“In the Dumbarton game, we had numerous chances but never really finished anything off – and then we were punished. It’s difficult and it’s hard to take but we’ve got a big week coming up.

“Queen of the South is a massive game and can put us back to where we want to be and then we’ve got two games after that, cup games that are really big and the boys are looking forward to them.”

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Asked if he felt the prospect of two major cup matches in the space of a week had had a bearing on events, McGregor said: “You could look at it lots of different ways.

“With big games coming up you could say that we maybe subconsciously have been thinking about that.

“But, for us, it’s been a poor week, but you win as a team and you lose as a team.

“The main thing is to get back to where we were before. So far this season, we’ve not really had a slump, so you could argue that this is our slump.”

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And McGregor rejected the suggestion that Morton’s shock win had left him and his team-mates suffering from a hangover four days later.

He said: “Going into the game, everyone was in the same mindset, wanting to go and win.

“If you look at the first goal, it’s a great strike and the second one was a bit of a mix-up. That’s football sometimes.

“From an outsider’s point of view, we’ve been beaten by Morton and again by Dumbarton and you automatically put two and two together and say it must just be shock from the first game.

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“But none of us felt it in the dressing-room. We were all confident going to Dumbarton and putting in a performance but it obviously never worked out like that.

“No team can give anybody a three-goal lead and expect to win the game. We’re well aware of that and the gaffer’s stressed that. Up until this point, our defensive record speaks for itself and it’s just about getting back to that.”

However, looking at the bigger picture, McGregor conceded, as Stubbs has, that winning the title and clinching the one automatic promotion place it carries was now a seemingly impossible task. But he insisted that as long as hope remains, he will cling to it.

He said: “It’s difficult. If you’re looking at Rangers’ recent form, you would say ‘no’. But football’s a funny game – it’s a see-saw sometimes.

“Two weeks ago, we were obviously on top of the mountain and then it changes very quickly. It’s all about getting back on the horse and going for it.”