John McLellan: Auntie Beeb tells SNP (and ex-STV) MP where to go

SNP MP Hannah Bardell has complained about the BBC's coverage of Scottish issues (Picture: Lisa Ferguson)SNP MP Hannah Bardell has complained about the BBC's coverage of Scottish issues (Picture: Lisa Ferguson)
SNP MP Hannah Bardell has complained about the BBC's coverage of Scottish issues (Picture: Lisa Ferguson)
Livingston MP Hannah Bardell has been putting the boot into the BBC, using the Ofcom consultation on the new BBC Scotland channel to signal that the war between the SNP and Auntie Beeb which flared up in the referendum campaign is far from over.

Most of it is predictable but this criticism was particularly startling: “Often we have to nudge, sometimes persistently and often unsuccessfully, for devolved parts of UK-wide policy matters to be given due prominence on network news.“

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SNP attacks BBC over reporting of Scottish Government

This is the SNP calling up the BBC to tell them not just what should be on the Scottish news but which Scottish stories should be on the UK news bulletins as a whole. Like the Livingston MP knows what’s best for viewers in Leicester, Llanelli or Lisburn... Often unsuccessfully? As a former STV assistant producer, is she really surprised when the BBC tells her where to go?