Edinburgh weather causes floods - your views online

Cars have become trapped at a flooded junction in Edinburgh as busy road is closed due to severe conditions

Jason Van Hagen

Can’t remember the last time I saw a drain-clearing appliance.

Maz Butterworth

Drivers who attempt to get thru that deserve to get caught out.

Caroline Smart

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Right, might have my sensible head on, but how do you get so far into that before your realise you’ve royally effed up?! Would you not turn round and take another route?

Oriana Pavitt

This is what happens when you build housing/roads constantly. Tarmac doesn’t soak up the water like land does and therefore all this rain doesn’t have anywhere to go. It’s only going to get worse.

Nancy Morrison

Whatever happened to the machine that went along the road clearing the drains?

Toni Edwards

All those new builds and no suitable drainage seems to be a new common problem.

Jackie Littlejohn

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I know there’s been an exceptional amount of rain, but gutters choked to the brim with leaves seems to be the norm these days and certainly won’t help!

Margaret Simper Smith

I think it’s more to do with fewer trees nowadays.

Elaine Burt

They keep building more homes without the infrastructure to support them. They just keep connecting everything to the existing systems.

Thelma Kelly

Councils don’t clear gulleys now. In the ‘olden days’ councils had motors that went round all day cleaning gutters and cleaning gulleys. Where are they now, in lorry heaven!

Chris Japp

It’s Scotland… it rains… it floods…. Get over it.

Paul Sayers

Since the Granton Road was built by some engineer and put a massive dip in the road, it was only a matter of time. This flood was going to happen and, oh yeah, it’s autumn - the drains will be full of leaves. But the council have more important things to spend our money on, like the billion pound project for trams that hardly anybody who lives in Edinburgh uses,unlike the current road that is causing major delays galore for normal residents!

Liz Bee

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Of course, it’s nothing to do with drainage that the council are neglecting . blame it all on climate change.

Lisa McCartney

Roads might be the reason. Natural drainage comes from plants and trees being somewhere. Simple observation.

Stuart Winton

When was the last time anyone saw the council cleaning out the drains? Vanity projects like George Street going to cost around £37 million, get a grip.

Michael Wonnacott

Mismanagement and cutbacks are not keeping drainage clear.

George Hamilton

Fire station is about 50 yards from there. Get the firemen out doing a bit training and pump it away?

Davie Chalmers

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People spaces, planters, pedestrian and cycle lanes are the priority over basic infrastructure maintenance.

David Funnell

It's pretty simple, if you don't know how deep the water is, don't drive through it!

Lé Do

I think it’s actually improved the area!

Joanne Morrison

Why drive into it?

Robert Zgonena

Yeah, but we have fantastic cycle lanes!

Christmas market

Edinburgh's magical Christmas market returns next week

Liz Lamb

Nah, I’m going to the local Christmas Market at Castle Street instead. Most of those stalls have been selling at various markets throughout Edinburgh all year, so I’d rather give them my money, thanks.

Stephen Daniels

A flight to Hamburg works for me.

May Hutchison

Walking is the quickest way with buses are diverted.

John Smith

Taxis are no longer a ‘public transport option’.

Claire A A Eadie

I find it bizarre this is still popular. It was expensive before, you'll need to sell organs to buy something this year.

Conroy Maguire

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We walk through and say how much it’s all over-priced tat, but still go back every year. A ritual, like seeing Jenners Christmas tree - sadly no more.