Midlothian MSP's anger at Rosewell pharmacy application rejection

Midlothian North and Musselburgh MSP Colin Beattie. Photo: Andrew Cowan/Scottish Parliament.Midlothian North and Musselburgh MSP Colin Beattie. Photo: Andrew Cowan/Scottish Parliament.
Midlothian North and Musselburgh MSP Colin Beattie. Photo: Andrew Cowan/Scottish Parliament.
Colin Beattie MSP has expressed great concern over the Pharmacy Practices Committee’s (PPC) decision to reject the appeal of the application for a pharmacy in Rosewell.

The PPC rejected the original application in October last year which saw rival three local pharmaceutical companies present at the hearing to represent their arguments but only one member of the local community from the community council.

Midlothian North MSP Mr Beattie (SNP) said: “The current system needs urgently addressed to reflect the current needs of our communities – not the financial needs of large pharmaceutical companies. I have written to Health Secretary Humza Yousaf MSP, requesting a meeting on this matter with hope that real change can be made to this outdated unfair legacy system which appears to pre-date devolution.”

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