Hogwarts Legacy: new Harry Potter open world game explained - and possible release date for PS5, PS4, Xbox and PC

The Harry Potter RPG will transport players into the world of Hogwarts (WB)The Harry Potter RPG will transport players into the world of Hogwarts (WB)
The Harry Potter RPG will transport players into the world of Hogwarts (WB)
The single-player game is set in the 1800s at the iconic Hogwarts school from JK Rowling’s book series

The wait for a letter to study at Hogwarts is over – Warner Brothers have confirmed that they are releasing an open-world Harry Potter game set in the wizarding world.

Though centred around the school of witchcraft and wizardry, a trailer suggests that gamers/pupils will be able to explore a number of environments beyond the school's ancient walls.

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Set over a century before the events of the Harry Potter series, the role-playing game (RPG) will allow witches and wizards to forge their own path, either using their magic for good or succumbing to the temptations of the dark arts.

Developed by Avalanche and published by Warner Bros. Games under the Portkey Games label, Hogwarts Legacy will be coming out in 2021.

What is the game about?

A synopsis of the game has been released alongside the trailer, promising players an opportunity to immerse themselves in the Hogwarts experience.

It reads: “The game, which invites you to ‘Live the Unwritten’, is set in the 1800s, where players will live the life of a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry – a lifetime goal for many a Harry Potter fan! Expect Hogwarts Legacy to be filled with all kinds of immersive magic, while your student-character will learn spells, brew potions, tame fantastic beasts, select companions to help them fight off deadly enemies.

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“The game will also feature the beautifully realised surrounding locations beyond Hogwarts castle, such as the Forbidden Forest and Hogsmeade village, so there will certainly be plenty to explore.”

The synopsis also suggests that players will have to choose between good and evil throughout the RPG game.

“As your Hogwarts journey continues, you’ll pick up new magical abilities along the way and learn more about yourself too. While you dig deep into the wizarding world’s forgotten past – your character will discover an unusual ability that only they possess. Indeed, Hogwarts Legacy will challenge players in all sorts of unexpected ways - including scenarios that will pose difficult choices and determine what they stand for.”

The Hogwarts Legacy website says that the main character "holds the key to an ancient secret that threatens to tear the wizarding world apart".

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It's unclear if players will be able to play as themselves or an unnamed main character.

When can I play it?

Hogwarts Legacy is slated for a 2021 release with no date yet confirmed.

Bloomberg’s Jason Schreier has suggested that it will be released in the later part of the year.

Where can I watch a trailer?

You can watch a trailer for the new game here.

What consoles can I play the game on?

Though launched by Sony, the game won’t be exclusive to the next generation PS5 console.

And it won’t be limited to the new look consoles – it will be possible to play the game on the PS5, Xbox Series X, PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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